Texting Made Easy: How to Create and Send Powerful HubSpot SMS Messages with Message IQ

Text messages boast phenomenal 98% open rates, making them ideal for urgent updates, appointment reminders, and timely personalized outreach. But crafting and sending individual texts can be a time-consuming hassle.

Enter Message IQ: Your one-stop shop for crafting and delivering impactful text messages that get seen and acted upon.

This post will guide you through the effortless process of creating and sending 1:1 SMS messages using Message IQ from HubSpot. If you’re more of a visual person, check out this video instead. Whether you’re a seasoned marketer or just starting out, Message IQ empowers you to leverage the power of text message marketing with ease.

Step 1: Sign Up for a Message IQ Account – They Start at $29/mo

Head over to the Message IQ website and sign up for a low-cost account. No long-term commitment! This allows you to explore the platform’s features and see how Message IQ can streamline your communication and marketing efforts.

Step 2: Build Your Contact List

An effective SMS campaign hinges on a well-curated contact list. Upload your existing customer data into HubSpot (with their consent, of course) or leverage Message IQ’s contact list feature to seamlessly import your contacts. Check out this blog post on building your contact list.

Step 3: Craft Your Message

Message IQ is deeply integrated with HubSpot, allowing you to send SMS messages directly from a HubSpot Contact record. Crafting compelling SMS messages a breeze. Use emojis, HubSpot personalization tokens, and message templates to make things easier. Keep your messages concise and action-oriented, and don’t forget to personalize them! Here are some SMS message templates to draw inspiration from.

Personalization is Key:

Use HubSpot’s personalization tokens to personalize greetings, reference past purchases, or include relevant appointment details.
This extra touch fosters stronger connections and significantly boosts engagement compared to generic texts.

Step 4: Schedule Your Send

Real-time communication is powerful, but timing is crucial. Send your messages during core hours based on your contact’s time zone. Sending messages when your audience is most likely to be receptive maximizes their impact.

Step 5: Track and Analyze Results

Once your message is out, Message IQ empowers you to track its performance. Monitor key metrics like open rates, click-through rates, and even replies – all the valuable data you need to refine your future SMS campaigns for optimal results.

Beyond the Basics: Advanced Features for Power Users

Message IQ caters to businesses of all sizes, offering a range of features to enhance your SMS marketing strategy:

  • Automate Workflows: Leverage HubSpot’s powerful workflow features with Message IQ. Doing so allows you to send triggered text messages based on specific customer actions. Welcome new leads, remind customers of abandoned carts, or send appointment confirmations – all on autopilot. See how easy this is to do in this video.
  • Two-Way SMS: Enable two-way texting capabilities to foster real-time conversations with your customers. Answer questions, address concerns, and provide exceptional customer service directly via SMS. All messages are captured in the contact’s activity history.
  • MMS Messaging: Go beyond plain text and incorporate pictures, emojis, and files in your messages to grab attention and drive engagement.
  • Link to Webpages: Hyperlinks are automatically shortened and trackable with the Message IQ domain-specific link shortening add-on.

Ready to Text Smarter, Not Harder?

Message IQ empowers you to create, personalize, schedule, and track your SMS marketing efforts from a single, convenient platform. Sign up for a low-cost, no obligation subscription today and discover the power of SMS!


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