In today’s fast-paced world, parents are some of the busiest individuals. Despite their best intentions, managing everything within 24 hours can be challenging. At the top of their to-do list is often finding the right school for their child, and especially as a private institution, you want to ensure your school remains at the forefront of their choices.

The solution is clear: meet parents where they already spend a significant portion of their time – on their mobile phones. Schools can effectively leverage SMS to enhance their recruitment efforts. By utilizing text messaging, you can reach potential students and their parents, actively engage them, and deliver essential information about your school.

Not sure where to start? Let us help. Try these strategies for incorporating SMS into your recruitment process:

1. Initial Contact and Information Sharing:

In the world of instant communication, there’s no need to wait. Follow up promptly with new parents who attend campus events, conferences, or public gatherings. Reach out via text message within 24 hours of the event. Share concise information about your school’s unique features, academic programs, and extracurricular activities or provide a link to a dedicated recruitment page or an online brochure.

“Hey[name], great meeting you today! Sure hope you had a great experience at [school name]. Were there specific things you didn’t get enough info on?” 

2. Invitations for campus tours:

Nothing beats experiencing campus life firsthand. Extend invitations for potential students and their parents to attend open houses, campus tours, and other recruitment events via SMS. Ensure they understand that if the proposed date doesn’t work, they can always schedule a personalized tour. Include RSVP options to estimate attendance and make appropriate arrangements.

“Did you hear we have a campus tour soon? Want to join us & get a real feel for [school name]. Reply by [RSVP deadline date] if you’ll be joining us!”

3. Offer virtual tours:

In this digital age, virtual tours should be a part of your recruitment arsenal. What better way to share this than through text messages? You can send a link to a pre-recorded tour directly to someone’s phone, allowing them to explore your campus, facilities, and classrooms with a single tap.

“Hey [name], I know you haven’t gotten to visit campus yet, but, check this out: A virtual tour complete with classes and facilities! [insert link]”

4. Encourage parents to attend information sessions:

Parents want all the details, especially since they are the ones who will be signing the check. Use SMS to send invitations to parent-specific information sessions or webinars that address their concerns and questions about the school. Or better yet–encourage them to use this for two-way communication channel to receive quick answers to any queries holding them back from enrollment.

“We have a live online info session scheduled for [date]! [Administrator name] will answer all your questions about [school]. Register now! [link]”

5. Maintain consistent follow-up:

Even if someone has attended events, had their questions answered, and been on a tour, they might not have committed yet. It’s vital to maintain regular contact with these interested families. Share updates, news, and success stories to ensure your school remains a fresh and appealing choice.

“Exciting news! [School] debate team made it to the regional semi-finals! They compete again [date]! Watch and cheer them on here: [link] Go Bulldogs!”

Meeting busy parents where they are is half the battle in winning over their love and respect for your school. By providing them with the information they need and showcasing your excellent communication skills, you not only aid their decision-making but also make their lives easier.

Not already using SMS communication at your school? Let us help you get started.

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